This is the main Theoritical Movie, Episodes were premiered during Mathemusical Congresses, in Paris 2011, Montréal 2013, London 2015 and Madrid. 2019. You will find corresponding Papers in Publications….
Short Talks
Planet 4D Familly
Very fast presentation of my 4D Models for Mathemusic.
please see in playlists for more detailed content, and conferences.
Planet 4D models are geometrical vizualisations for Music
Tonal Music Triads/Chords
ATonal, Spectral, Non ...equally tempered, and Microtonal.
I love to collaborate worldwide with different people.
Contact me for Conferences, Zoom, Skype,...
I'm a Scientist, not a TV Star, do not feel bad when you see me speaking,...
(la Version Française arrive bientôt)
Very fast presentation of my 4D Models for Mathemusic. please see in ...
Very fast presentation of my 4D Models for Mathemusic.
please see in playlists for more detailed content, and conferences.
Planet 4D models are geometrical vizualisations for Music
Tonal Music Triads/Chords
ATonal, Spectral, Non ...equally tempered, and Microtonal.
I love to collaborate worldwide with different people.
Contact me for Conferences, Zoom, Skype,...
I'm a Scientist, not a TV Star, do not feel bad when you see me speaking,...
(la Version Française arrive bientôt)
The Shadow Tonnetz, from Genesis to Generation, Moscow Conservatory 2021
Premiere of the Shadow Tonnetz : the latest evolution of Neo Riemanian ...
Premiere of the Shadow Tonnetz : the latest evolution of Neo Riemanian Tonnetz
at Moscow Conservatory, Euromac International Music Analysis Congress
Short History
2011 Colorized Tonnetz provides Symbols with 2 Parameters that 2 notes Parameters
part of my PhD (G.Baroin)
2012 Polarized Tonnetz by H.Seress, can describe modal orientation polarization and intensity
2014 Spinnen Tonnetz with H.Seress, adds the concept of Tonal Center
2020 Shadow Tonnetz with I.Khannanov, keeps trace and quantisize the harmonic paths
The Shadow Tonnetz
In order to reveal other essential or distinctive features related to a musical composition, we propose a new visualization technique, the Shadow-Tonnetz. Its goal is to unveil the “Harmonic Rhythm” of a musical piece, that is commonly understood as the rate at which the chords progress in a musical composition.
The Shadow-Tonnetz keeps traces of the chords employed and helps displaying the “musical weight” of a specific chord and paths within a composition. It enables the spectator to better apprehend the key points and harmonic structure of a composition.
In comparison with many current approaches, the visualization of harmonic progression including Speed and Weight is innovative and provides new horizons for the understanding of musical structures. Since these concepts work fine with the pieces that we have studied, we envision to use these principles for Tonal Center variations (see Spinnen-Tonnetz) [5][+] Show More
Visualization of Temperaments, at Journées d'Informatique Musicale, Paris 2020
Paper on temperament visualization, research group music analysis : ...
Paper on temperament visualization, research group music analysis : Société Francaise d'Analyze Musicale, JIM 2020 Paris
The Well Tempered Meantone, In Search of Lost Temperament
The new Well Tempered MeanTone, "Bach Calvet Broekaert" History of the ...
The new Well Tempered MeanTone, "Bach Calvet Broekaert"
History of the discovery, Practical Tuning, Hearing Sample
Talk in French + English captions
A hypothetical virtual reconstruction of a quest for a well ...tempered auditory musical keyboard tuning derived from the meantone is worked out, based on Werckmeister’s concepts about well tempering, and musical insights and auditory music keyboard tuning practices at Baroque times. The
elaborated Well Tempered Meantone turns out to fit best with an optimum, based on presumed auditory tuning quality criteria. A number of characteristics that can be related to J. S. Bach, are discussed.
2020.11.26 Mini presentation via zoom for University of Dresden’s ...
2020.11.26 Mini presentation via zoom for University of Dresden’s future seminar on Mathematics and Music
Sine I had 5’ to talk, I decided to speak 27” and make a small for 4’33,…. Connoisseurs will appreciate[+] Show More
Visualisation de Tempéraments (version courte commentée)
Visualisation de Tempéraments (version courte commentée) Présentée aux ...
Visualisation de Tempéraments (version courte commentée)
Présentée aux Journées d'Informatique Musicale 2020
Pour la version internationale sans mes commentaires, voir :
Visualisation of Temperaments (Short Version with Audio Comments )
Visualisation of Temperaments Very short version that was presented ...
Visualisation of Temperaments
Very short version that was presented during Journées d'informatique Musicales 2020, with André Calvet.
A temperament refers to a specific tuning system for the subdivision of the octave. Tempering is the process of adjusting intervals in tuning a piano or other musical instruments
At the time of just intonation, temperament (i.e Pythagorean) was designed so that musical instruments sound as "in tune" in a few some keys, but seem “dissonant” in other keys. The listener identifies dissonances and vaguely feels a distance between a specific temperament and the equal one, which is nowadays the reference. Over time, the distance to pure temperament gradually gave way to the distance to equal temperament. Our static tools are used to quantify, visualize and compare temperaments between them. Our dynamic approach helps identify the tonalities for which the temperament is intended and which chordal context produces the most pleasing (displeasing), usual (unusual) sounds to the ear.
We have applied the methods to well-known temperaments, such Zarlino, Bach by Kellner, Mesotonic by Aaron and the Pythagorean ones.
Visualisation de Tempéraments, Journées d'Informatique Musicale, Paris 2020
Présentation de visualisation des tempéraments, Société Francaise ...
Présentation de visualisation des tempéraments, Société Francaise d'Analyze Musicale, JIM 2020 Paris
Temperamentvisualisierung, Journées d'Informatique Musicale Paris 2020
Präsentation zur Temperamentvisualisierung, Forschungsgruppe ...
Präsentation zur Temperamentvisualisierung, Forschungsgruppe Musikanalyse in Paris.
Gerne schreib mir auf deutsch
MatheMusical Virtual Museum Kyoto 2023
Presentation at World Learning Labs Kyoto Jan 2023 Symposium dedicated ...
Presentation at World Learning Labs Kyoto Jan 2023
Symposium dedicated to VR and Designing Learning Spaces and Programs for the Post-Pandemic World
This is a flat video featuring the MatheMusical Virtual Museum
Very ...short with models :
Newton"s Circle, Moebius Strip, Planet-4D feat Giovanni Albini, CubeHarmonic feat Maria Mannone, Torii of Phases feat Emmanuel Amiot.
View the 360 on my playlist or DeoVR user : mathemusic
Mathemusic is the scientific field that studies the relations between math and music; our scientific Society, SMCM regroups worldwide researchers in the field
The Mathemusical Virtual Museum is an interactive virtual experience that was premiered at the Museum of Design in Atlanta (Moda) in June 2022
It contains a growing set of interactive models based on the research issued from our society.
Originated from different mathemusicians and myself, the models help to unveil mathematical and especially geometrical concepts behind musical structures used in existing music.
Even if the composers intentionally designed their musical progressions, they may not have been aware of the underlying mathematical objects.
Some concepts (hypersphere, quaternions, and graphs) have been indeed dis-covered after the classical period, and most modern composer have no knowledge of these concepts