From Circle to Hyperspheres
Episode IV:
Visualizing Temperaments
- 1 The Pythagorean Example
- 2 One Dimension : Problem
- 3 Two Dimensions : Works
- 4 Comparisons using 2D
- 5 Chords in 2D
- 6 Tempered Chromatic Circle
- 7 Tempered Harmonic Cube
- 8 Planet4D Flashback
- 9 Tempered Planet4D
- 10 Chords in 4D
- 11 Tempered Hypersphere
- 12 Well Tempered Hypersphere
-> Why and what is a Temperament ?
-> Because classical circular visualization of frequency fails to provide temperaments feelings, we will use complex numbers and deform the circle.
We can now compare temperaments shapes visually, and perceive the “dissonances” in the animations.
-> We propose a 3D model for visualizing tempered chords sequence.
-> The simple Planet4D model which was designed for equal temperament will be deformed by altering each Quaternion’s magnitude, to emphasis the audition feelings in historical tempered musical pieces.
Premiered at Technical University / Royal Conservatory of Madrid, 2017
Embeded Youtube Playlist :
Visualizing Temperaments 1: The Pythagorean Example
Chap 24 The Pythagorean Example
The well known Pythagorean tuning system, adding fifth until being back on the 1st Note
Visualizing Temperaments 1: The Pythagorean Example
Chap 24 The Pythagorean Example The well known Pythagorean tuning ...
Chap 24 The Pythagorean Example
The well known Pythagorean tuning system, adding fifth until being back on the 1st Note
Visualizing Temperaments 2: One Dimension as Usual mp4
Chap 25 One Dimension as usual Distributing frequencies along a circle ...
Chap 25 One Dimension as usual
Distributing frequencies along a circle does not help to visualize a temperement
We will add a new mathematical dimension
Visualizing Temperaments 3: TwoDimensions Works
We use the chromatic circle as a basis and associate, this time, each ...
We use the chromatic circle as a basis and associate, this time, each pitch class n, to a complex number p_n: p_n=r_n e^(iθ_n ). In polar coordinates we have: r_n=r_0 ... f_n⁄f_0 , θ_n=n π⁄6.
The equal temperament will still be plotted as a regular dodecagon, whereas the drawing of others will result in an equiangular non-regular polygon: It gives the impression of stretching the chromatic circle along its radius.[+] Show More
Visualizing Temperaments 4:Two D Comparisons
Chap 27 Two-D Comparisons. By superimposing different temperaments ...
Chap 27
Two-D Comparisons.
By superimposing different temperaments drawings, we are now able to compare them.
Visualizing Temperaments 5: Two D Chords
Chap 28 Two-D Chords. Pure intervals = Just intonation. In order to ...
Chap 28 Two-D Chords.
Pure intervals = Just intonation.
In order to indicate the ratio to a pure interval, we use coloration for each side of the triangle: Green stands ...for pure interval, red stands for the most distant ones[+] Show More
Visualizing Temperaments 6: Tempered Chromatic Circle Zarlino
Chap 29 Tempered Chromatic Circle Zarlino Application to Zarlino ...
Chap 29 Tempered Chromatic Circle Zarlino
Application to Zarlino temperament.
The music follows an Hamiltonian path (through each chord once) so that we can visualize and hear “how it sounds” in each ...tonality.[+] Show More
Visualizing Temperaments 7: Three D Cube
Chap 30 Three-D Cube We model each triad as a box with sides ...
Chap 30 Three-D Cube
We model each triad as a box with sides l_x,l_y,l_z , where the length are proportionial to the pure intervals.
The color of the box varies from to red, accordingly to the human perception. A triad made of pure intervals will therefore appear as a green cube.[+] Show More
Visualizing Temperaments 8: Tempered Harmonic Cube Bach
Chap 31 Tempered Harmonic Cube Bach Application to the famous Bach ...
Chap 31 Tempered Harmonic Cube Bach
Application to the famous Bach (interpreted by Kellenr) temperament, We see that it sounds different (but nice to my ears) in each tonality.
Visualizing Temperaments 9: Planet 4D FlashBack
Chap 32 Planet-4D FlashBack Short summary of precedents episodes which ...
Chap 32 Planet-4D FlashBack
Short summary of precedents episodes which describes the Planet-4D system.
Each symbol has one unique shape and color, (4 Shapes * 3 colors) : as in other ...decompositions Cyclic groups C3xC4 / Dim vs Aug chords / Squares Triangles,
The 12 Notes are on the Hypersphere
As in 2D the Triads (in 4D) are in the center of the constituting notes
For details seek for my Phd or different Articles[+] Show More
Visualizing Temperaments 10: Tempered Planet 4D
Chap 33 Tempered Planet-4D As in 2D, we deform the hypersphere along ...
Chap 33 Tempered Planet-4D
As in 2D, we deform the hypersphere along its radius on each of the 12 points representing a note.
Visualizing Temperaments 11: Four D Chords
Four-D Chords We add lines representing the fifth on the Planet-4D ...
Four-D Chords
We add lines representing the fifth on the Planet-4D model in order to draws the fifths. This is equivalent to drawing the Tonnetz on the Hypersphere
As in 2D, we ...deform the hypersphere along its radius on each of the 12 points representing a note.[+] Show More
Visualizing Temperaments 12: Tempered Hypersphere
Tempered Hypersphere As in 2D, We apply the deformation to the Sphere ...
Tempered Hypersphere
As in 2D, We apply the deformation to the Sphere for some temperaments;
Static point of view : on Note Do , then CMajor, and Finally C Minor
Please refer to my Papers Section for scientific description,