1 | 16/Nov/2006 | Research Workshop | Irpall members work presentations | Irpall Université de Toulouse | Une modelisation alternative du cycle des quintes |
2 | 05/Dec/2007 | Research Workshop | Doc to Me / LLA | Université de Toulouse | Recherche d'un nouveau modèle de représentation des 12 notes |
3 | 19/Jan/2010 | Seminar | Math Institute | Université de Toulouse | Invention d'un modèle de relations harmoniques par la théorie des graphes |
4 | 05/Feb/2010 | Seminar | Journées LLA | Labo LLA Univ Toulouse | De Newton à Riemann, interactions mathématico musico plastiques |
5 | 12/Feb/2010 | Seminar | Math Institute Invitstion | Université de Toulouse | Quaternions Graphes et musique |
6 | 12/Mar/2010 | Seminar | Mamux Invitation | IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris | Linguistique, Graphes et Musique : Le modèle Planete-4D et ses applications |
7 | 01/Jun/2010 | Art / Installation | Exposition Interactives à Toulouse | Centre Bellegarde Toulouse | Méteorologie : Installation Interactive with Charles Giuloli |
8 | 29/Jun/2010 | Research Congress | Graph Congress : 8 FCC | Université d'Orsay,Paris | Representation of musical pitch space using graphs, spectrum and hyperspaces |
9 | 29/Jul/2010 | Public Talk | Champs Libres | Museum de Toulouse | Entre Math et Musique : l'équation poétique |
10 | 27/Aug/2010 | Public Talk | Fete du Village | Saint Julien sur Garonne | Projection of 4D images during Mel Dogman show |
11 | 14/Jan/2011 | Seminar | Mathemusical Day | IRMA Université de Strasbourg | Visualisation 4D de l'espace des hauteurs basée sur la théorie spectrale des graphes |
12 | 16/Jun/2011 | Research Congress | MCM 2011 | IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris | The Planet 4D Model : an original hypersymetric music space based on graph theory |
13 | 16/Jun/2011 | Movie Premiere | MCM 2011 | IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris | Workshop : From Circle to Hyperspheres, When Tonnetze go 4D |
14 | 16/Jun/2011 | Poster | MCM 2011 | IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris | The Planet 4D Model : an original hypersymetric music space based on graph theory |
15 | 18/Jun/2011 | Public Talk | Festival Agora | Palais de la Découverte, Paris | Film premiere : From Circle to Hyperspheres, When Tonnetze go 4D |
16 | 05/Dec/2011 | Public Talk | Phd Defense | Université de Toulouse | Application de la théorie spectrale des graphes à des objets musicaux Modélisation et visualisation en Hyperespace |
17 | 04/May/2012 | Seminar | Mamux | IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris | The Hypersphere of Spectra, with S. de Gérando |
18 | 30/May/2012 | Public Talk | Ingesup Invitation | Ingésup Engineer School Toulouse | Aspects Infographiques de la Mathémusique |
19 | 11/Jun/2012 | Research Workshop | Séminaires Labri | Université de Bordeaux | Application de la théorie spectrale des graphes à des objets musicaux Modélisation et visualisation en Hyperespace |
20 | 18/Jun/2012 | Public Talk | Invité Isatis | Club Isatis Toulouse | La musique en quatre dimensions Sons, formes, couleurs, visualiser la musique |
21 | 14/Dec/2012 | Public Talk | Conférence au Matin Musical | Amphi du Matin Musical Moissac | T'as vu le son ? Son, formes et couleurs, visualiser l'Harmonie
22 | 06/Jun/2013 | Research Workshop | IKA @ Architektur | Technische Universität Darmstadt | From Circle to Hypersphere Part I and II |
23 | 12/Jun/2013 | Movie Premiere | MCM 2013 | Mc Gill University, Montreal QC | From Circle to Hyperspheres, Part II 4D Tonnetze, Spectra And Odd Symmetries. |
24 | 13/Jun/2013 | Poster Session | MCM 2013 | Mc Gill University, Montreal QC | The Planet 4D Extensions: using Hyperspheres for new musical applications. |
25 | 05/Oct/2013 | Research Workshop | Invited Chair | Université de Perpignan / Ircam | Movie Projection and Carte Blanche |
26 | 21/Nov/2013 | Research Workshop | Labri/Scrime | Université de Bordeaux | Movie Long Version, |
27 | 24/Nov/2013 | Art / Installation | Scrime | Chateau du Diable Bordeaux | Real Time Hypersphere performed with P.H Vulliard |
28 | 04/Feb/2014 | Concert / Conference | Café-Concert | La Chapelle Gely,Montpellier, FR | Mathémusique : Un voyage entre la pop, la musique classique et la chanson, Feat M Andreatta, E Amiot |
29 | 15/Apr/2014 | Seminar | GRD ESARS | Imaginarium de Lille | When Math'n Pop Goes 4D |
30 | 19/Jun/2014 | Public Conference | Conférences de l'ENAC | ENAC Toulouse | Math and Music , en route to some Hyperspaces |
31 | 02/Jul/2014 | Public Talk | Stage jeunes talents , Mathématiques | Univ Toulouse | Math et Musique : trop Stylé : Pour jeunes talents mathématiques |
32 | 16/Sep/2014 | Research Congress | ICMC/SMC | Univ of Athens | Formal and Computational Models in Pop Music |
33 | 12/Oct/2014 | Public Talk | Fête des Maths | Pierre de Fermat's House Beaumont | Mathematiques et musique : une introduction, Feat E.Amiot M.Andreatta |
34 | 04/Nov/2014 | Public Conference | Café-Concert | La Chapelle Gely | Bach, entre nombre et géométrie Feat E.Amiot M.Andreatta A.Calvet |
35 | 06/Nov/2014 | Research Workshop | Séminaires Labri | Université de Bordeaux | Graphes et régions tonales. |
36 | 15/Dec/2014 | Research Congress | JAM / Ircam | Ircam Paris | Musiques " populaires " d'aujourd'hui et musiques " savantes " du passé w H.Seress |
37 | 16/Dec/2014 | Research Workshop | GDR ESARS | Uni Descartes Paris | Tonnetze et Chansons Hamiltoniennes w. M.Andreatta |
38 | 06/Feb/2015 | Seminar | Mamux | IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris | Visualisation de Tempéraments w. A. Calvet |
39 | 27/Mar/2015 | Research Workshop | Groupe Recherche Mus | Université de la Sorbonne Paris | Tonalités, Régions Tonales
. w. H. Seress |
40 | 23/Jun/2015 | Movie Premiere | MCM 2015 | Queen Mary University, London | From Circle to Hyperspheres, Part III Exploring new mathemusical dimensions. |
41 | 24/Jun/2015 | Poster Session | MCM 2015 | Queen Mary University, London | Spinnen Tonnetz, Tonal Regions with H.Seress |
42 | 05/Mar/2016 | Research Workshop | GDR ESARS | Uni Descartes Paris | Tonnetz et Spinnen-Tonnetz |
43 | 05/Mar/2016 | Concert / Conference | Concert Publique | Conservatoire Paris 6 | Mathemusiques, w M.Andreatta,G.Bloch,H.Sellin,Polo |
44 | 18/Apr/2016 | Concert / Conference | Festa della Mathematica | Firenze, Italy | Matematica e musica, w E.Amiot, M. Andreatta |
45 | 02/May/2016 | Public Conference | Graph Seminar evening programm | Casino de Luchon | Projection grand public , Math et Musique, L'équation poetique |
46 | 28/May/2016 | Workshop | Stage Math Animath | Cercle Sofia Kovalevskaïa, Tls | Math et Musique, un voyage géométrique |
47 | 21/Sep/2016 | Art / Installation | Math Artwork Exhibition / ESMA | Faculty of Math, Ljubljana, Slo | Mathematica , Glasba |
48 | 22/Sep/2016 | Concert / Conference | ESMA Congress | European Society for Math and Arts | Evening Concert w M.Andreatta |
49 | 13/Oct/2016 | Workshop | Ateliers pédagogiques Mathematiques | Université de Pau | Atelier demonstrations à l'université |
50 | 13/Oct/2016 | Concert / Conference | Evenement Fête de la Science 2016 | Ville de Pau | Projection grand public : From Circle, ... |
51 | 12/Feb/2017 | Art / Installation | Special Event Wine and Maths | Paris | Valentines Day in Paris, Performance with John Sims |
52 | 27/Apr/2017 | Public Conference | Semaine de la Science | ENAC Toulouse | Semaine de la Science |
53 | 12/Dec/2017 | | Public Math/Music Exhibition | Paris, Centre Pompidou | Exhibition, coding the World. 15-June - 27 aug |
54 | 06/Oct/2018 | Concert / Conference | Semaine de la Science | Maison de Fermat, Near TLS | Semaine de la Science, Home of Pierre de Fermat |
55 | 24/Oct/2018 | Conference | GDR ESARS | Université Paris Sorbonne | Fall School Arts and Science |
56 | 12/Dec/2018 | Conference | Invited Speaker | Conservatory of Shanghai | (Dialogue between mathematics and music) |
57 | 17/May/2019 | Conference | Invited Speaker | Université de Strasbourg | Visualizing Temperaments |
58 | 10/Jun/2019 | Remote Lecture | | International Christian University, Tokyo | Introduction to Mathemusic (Via Skype) |
59 | 18/Jun/2019 | Poster Session | MCM 2019 | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Visualizing Temperaments. |
60 | 18/Jun/2019 | Movie Premiere | MCM 2019 | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | From Circle to Hyperspheres, Part IV Visualizing Temperaments. |
61 | 18/Jun/2019 | Concert / Conference | MCM 2019 | Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid | Evening Concert w M.Andreatta |
62 | 05/Oct/2019 | Conference | International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis | Faculty of Belgrade | Spatializing Music |
63 | 16/Oct/2019 | Lecture | Lecture in Musicology | Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore,MD | Planet 4D,Vizualising Music |
64 | 15/Nov/2019 | Art / Installation | Lange Nacht des Wissenschaft | Litzt Institut, Weimar | Mathemusik und Visiualiserungen |
65 | 04/Dec/2019 | Remote Lecture | Lecture in Computer Science | Nagoya University, Japan | Visualizing Music with Math and Computer Tools |
66 | 11/Dec/2019 | Conference | Lectures | International Christian University Tokyo | Mathemusic, Visualization as a pedagogic tool for learnings music improvement |
67 | 03/Dec/2020 | Conference | Virtual Reality Experiences | VR Exhibition : Buenos Aires / Paris | Music and Math: The Poetic match |
68 | 04/Dec/2020 | Workshop | Virtual Reality Experiences | VR Exhibition : Buenos Aires / Paris | Music and Math: The Poetic match |
69 | 14/Mar/2020 | Conference | Semaine des Mathematiques | Ville de Saint-Brieuc | La Géométrie dans la Musique |
70 | 20/Jul/2021 | Research Workshop | ERK 2021 Ljubljana | Portoroz, Slovenia | From Tone Frequencies to Temperaments Visualizations |
71 | 20/Sep/2021 | Conference | EUROMAC 20 | Conservatory of Moscow (Remote) | The Shadow-Tonnetz: Visualizing Speed and Weight within Harmonic Progressions, with I Khannanov |
72 | 21/Sep/2021 | Conference | Invited Speaker | Academy of Music | Glasbenik Mathematik |
73 | 11/Mar/2022 | Public Conference | Math en Scene | Castanet (Toulouse) | Math et Musique Quand Möbius s'en mêle, w E.Amiot |
74 | 21/Jun/2022 | Workshop | MCM 2022 | Georgia State University Atlanta | Interactive Presentation of the Mathemusical Virtual Museum |
75 | 21/Jun/2022 | Concert / Conference | MCM 2022 | Florence Kopleff Recital Hall Atlanta | Music and maths: the geometric match,w E.Amiot, M.Andreatta |
76 | 22/Jun/2022 | Research Congress | MCM 2022 | Georgia State University Atlanta | When Virtual Reality helps fathom Mathemusical Hyperdimensional Models, w S.De Gérando |
77 | 23/Jun/2022 | Art / Installation | Special Event | Museum of Design Atlanta | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
78 | 29/Jun/2022 | Concert / Conference | Invited Speaker | In the Pi Salon Series, Sarasota, FL | Mathematic Music and a Museum, at John Sims Lair |
79 | 10/Oct/2022 | Concert / Conference | Invited Speaker | INSA Lyon | Mathemusic for Engineers and Reaschers |
80 | 12/Oct/2022 | Lecture | Lecture in Paedagogy departmnent | INSA Lyon | Mathemusic + VR for Students of |
81 | 14/Oct/2024 | Workshop + VR | Forum de la Recherche | Univ Toulouse II | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
82 | 27/Nov/2022 | Workshop + VR | Popular Science Evening | Café Le Brassin's | VR general public applications with 123CAD |
83 | 12/Nov/2022 | Workshop + VR | Reseacher Meeting | INRIA + IRCAM, Paris | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
84 | 27/Jan/2023 | Conference | World Learning Labs 23 | Kyoto Univ of Foreign Studies (remotely) | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
85 | 27/Jan/2023 | Workshop + VR | VR Experiences | Kyoto Univ of Foreign Studies (remotely) | Workshop performed remotely by R.Figueroa |
86 | 14/Feb/2023 | Featured Video | Honoring John Sims | The Ringling Museum, Sarasota, (Remotely) | Tribute to recently passed away Math Artist |
87 | 17/Feb/2023 | Workshop + VR | VR Demo | ENAC Toulouse | Interactive testing and presentation VR for trainees |
88 | 25/Mar/2023 | Art / Installation | VR Evening | Club de Jeux de Portet sur Garonne | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
89 | 07/Apr/2023 | Lecture | Invited Speaker | Peabody Institute J.Hopkins, University Baltimore | Mathemusic, Tonnetze, VR |
90 | 07/Apr/2023 | Workshop + VR | Free Q&A Workshop | Peabody Institute J.Hopkins, University Baltimore | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
91 | 10/Apr/2023 | Conference | Invited Speaker | Yale University Orchestra, New Haven | MatheMusical Virtual Museum, for musicians |
92 | 13/Apr/2023 | Conference | Invited Speaker | Center for Collaborative Arts and Media , Yale | Mathemusic + VR |
93 | 13/Apr/2023 | Workshop + VR | Invited Speaker | Center for Collaborative Arts and Media , Yale | MatheMusical Virtual Museum Including Voices Leading |
94 | 17/Apr/2023 | Conference | Invited Speaker | University of Columbus Ohio | Mathemusic, Geometry, Voice Leading tools |
95 | 17/Apr/2023 | Workshop + VR | Lectures | University of Columbus Ohio | MatheMusical Virtual Museum |
96 | 21/May/2023 | Workshop + VR | Mathemusic Seminar | Université de Strasbourg | Latest Innovations in the Mathemusical VR Wordl |
97 | 08/Jun/2023 | Conference | EGG Conference | Triple Nine Society, Zeist, Netherlands | Math and Music as Brain Dialectics |
98 | 14/Jan/2024 | Featured Video | Honoring John Sims | The Ringling Museum Sarasota, Remotely | Tribute to recently passed away Math Artist |
99 | 16/Mar/2024 | Workshop + VR | Semaine des Maths | Castanet (Toulouse) | MatheMusic Virtual Museum / Planet Voices / Improvisations |
100 | 27/Mar/2024 | Workshop + VR | Invited Speaker | Université de Strasbourg | Mathemusical & Tonnetz Videos Construction |
101 | 20/Apr/2024 | Workshop + VR | Private Session | Castelo de Paiva, Portugal | MatheMusic Virtual Museum / Improvisations |
102 | 28/May/2024 | Workshop + VR | Workshop | TU Darmstadt / Architektur | MatheMusic Virtual Museum / CGI |
103 | 31/May/2024 | Research Workshop | Public Performance | Triple Nine Society, Frankfurt, Netherlands | EGG Special Event Highly Gifted People Improvisations + with New bees |
104 | 18/Jun/2024 | Art / Installation | MCM 2024 | Instituto de Paelografia / Coimbra | MatheMusical Virtual Museum / Planet Voices |
105 | 19/Jun/2024 | Concert / Conference | MCM 2024 | University of Coimbra | The Music of Maths, w M.Andreatta |
106 | 21/Jun/2024 | Research Congress | MCM 2024 | University of Coimbra | Advanced Visualization Techniques for Music Theory, w. Rick Cohn |
107 | 22/Jun/2024 | Research Workshop | Atlantic Journey | Forte São João Batista, Berlenga, Portugal | How to make an Exhibition on Mathematics and Music |
108 | 22/Jun/2024 | Workshop + VR | Atlantic Journey | Forte São João Batista, Berlenga, Portugal | MatheMusical Virtual Museum / Planet Voices |