From Circle to Hyperspheres

Episode III :
Graphs Embedding,
Polarized Tonnetz,
Spinnen Tonnetz,


-> ChickenWire Hypersphere is an Embeding of Jack Douthett’ Chicken Wire in 4D.
-> By morphing, we show the Analogies beetwen Planet Graph and different well known 2D graphs (Cohn Hexatonic Cycles, , Weitzmann’s Region, and Douthett’s Dancing Cubes (2000)”
-> Same process in 4D
-> Ability tp project any 2D musical graph on the -> Polarized Tonnetz is an extension developped w. H.Seress, to the Tonnetz
-> Construction : 1 PLR Direction, 2 Modal Orientation, 3 Polarity (#/b)
-> Demonstration of Vertical/Horizontal Path in Tonal Music
-> Spinnen Tonnetz, based on above ; Due to tonal attraction, the Spider will come back home, using parcimonious voice leading (w.H. Seress)

Premiered at Queen Mary University of London , 2015

Embeded Youtube Playlist :

Chap 16 Hypersphere ChickenWire

Embeding Jack Douthett Chicken Wire Gaph onto my Hypersphere

Please refer to my Papers Section for scientific description,

Planet 4D Universe

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