From Circle to Hyperspheres
Episode III :
Graphs Embedding,
Polarized Tonnetz,
Spinnen Tonnetz,
- 16 Hyper ChickenWire
- 17 Analogies / Cohn Regions 2D
- 18 Analogies / Cohn Regions 4D
- 19 Embedding 2D Graphs in 4D
- 20 Polarized Tonnetz
- 21 Harmonic Paths : Vertical
- 22 Harmonic Paths : Horizontal
- 23 Spinnen Tonnetz
-> ChickenWire Hypersphere is an Embeding of Jack Douthett’ Chicken Wire in 4D.
-> By morphing, we show the Analogies beetwen Planet Graph and different well known 2D graphs (Cohn Hexatonic Cycles, , Weitzmann’s Region, and Douthett’s Dancing Cubes (2000)”
-> Same process in 4D
-> Ability tp project any 2D musical graph on the -> Polarized Tonnetz is an extension developped w. H.Seress, to the Tonnetz
-> Construction : 1 PLR Direction, 2 Modal Orientation, 3 Polarity (#/b)
-> Demonstration of Vertical/Horizontal Path in Tonal Music
-> Spinnen Tonnetz, based on above ; Due to tonal attraction, the Spider will come back home, using parcimonious voice leading (w.H. Seress)
Premiered at Queen Mary University of London , 2015
Embeded Youtube Playlist :
Chap 16 Hypersphere ChickenWire
Embeding Jack Douthett Chicken Wire Gaph onto my Hypersphere
Chap 16 Hypersphere ChickenWire
Embeding Jack Douthett Chicken Wire Gaph onto my Hypersphere
Embeding Jack Douthett Chicken Wire Gaph onto my Hypersphere
Chap 17 Analogies Tonnetz Regions
Visualizing the Analogies Richard Cohn did in "Weitzmann's Regions, My ...
Visualizing the Analogies Richard Cohn did in "Weitzmann's Regions, My Cycles, and Douthett's Dancing Cubes (2000)" and the Planet Model.
Chap 18 Hypersphere Regions
Projection of the 2D Tonnetz refions onto my Hypersphere. Weitzmann's ...
Projection of the 2D Tonnetz refions onto my Hypersphere.
Weitzmann's Regions, Cohn Cycles, Douthett's Cube Dance, Hexagonal Path.hello
Chap 19 Embed Graph to 4D
Embedding following grahss my Hypersphere. Weitzmann's Regions, Cohn ...
Embedding following grahss my Hypersphere.
Weitzmann's Regions, Cohn Cycles, Douthett's Cube Dance, Hexagonal Path.
Chap 20 Polarized Tonnetz
Construction of the Polarized Tonnetz 1 PLR Direction, 2 Modal ...
Construction of the Polarized Tonnetz
1 PLR Direction, 2 Modal Orientation, 3 Polarity (#/b)
Work with Hugues Seress
Chap 21 Harmonic Vertical Paths
Vizualising Horizontal Path in Tonal Music Some particular chords ...
Vizualising Horizontal Path in Tonal Music
Some particular chords progressions observed in the Tonnetz
Work with Hugues Seress
Chap 22 Harmonic Horizontal Paths
Vizualising Horizontal Path in Tonal Music Some particular chords ...
Vizualising Horizontal Path in Tonal Music
Some particular chords progressions observed in the Tonnetz
Work with Hugues Seress
Chap 23 Spinnen Tonnetz
Based on above Polarized Tonnetz Due to tonal attraction, the spider ...
Based on above Polarized Tonnetz
Due to tonal attraction, the spider will come back home, using parcimonious voice leading
Work with Hugues Seress
Please refer to my Papers Section for scientific description,