Projects Timeline

12000MusicFirst Composition based on the Planet Model
22001ModelDrathModell (Construction made with Wire and Paper)
32001MathPlanet 3D : 3D projections of the 4D Model
42001MathPure Geometrical search and proof of the coordinates
52002Model3D Sculpture as projection made of Glass
62002MusicTest with group of flutists
72002MusicMovie Score for "Judische Friedhof"
82005MainPhD Start at the University of Toulouse
92006MathPlanet 4D : Points on a hypersphere : Musical Objects
102006ShowFirst public appearance : Irpall
112006MathSearch and proof with the help of Graph Theory
122007ModelInteractive Software Planet Loops
132008ModelModel Deposit  at INPI
142008ShowTheater Show at L'Union
152008MathModel calculation with Quaternions
162009MusicRecording with various Artists
172009MusicTechno, Rap
182010ModelHypersphere of Chords : Tonal Music
192010ShowLive performances
202010MathInteractive Sculpture Meteo
212011MathHypersphere of AnySet :  Atonal Music
222011ShowMovie Premiere "From Circles to Hyperspheres", Paris Beaubourg
232011ShowPhD Defense : Très Honorable avec Félicitations du Jury (Highest Honors / summa cum laude)
242012ModelHypersphere of Spectra :  Spectral Music
252013MusicBeethoven Through the looking Glass
262013Model« New » isometries in the Hypersphere
272013ModelHypersphere of Generalized Tonnetze : Tonal Music on other Tonnetze
282013ShowMovie Premiere "From Circles to Hyperspheres" Part II, Montreal McGill
292013ModelHypersphere of Chicken : Chicken Wire in 4D
302014MathWhen Math’n Pop goes 4D: Pedagogic Animations for large Public
312014ModelSpinnenTonnetz: original 2D Tonnetz with Tonal Regions
322015ModelTempered Chromatic Circle : 2d Visualization for Temperaments
332015ModelTempered Harmonic Cube : 3d Visualization for Temperaments
342015MathEmbedding Cube Dance in 4D
352015ShowMovie Premiere "From Circles to Hyperspheres" Part III, London Queen, Mary University
362016ShowMusic and Math, the poetic Match : whole movie published
372016ModelStarting visualization of Paolo Conte work
382017ModelVisualization’s Enhancements for Prokofiev Tchaikovsky,
392018ModelHypersphere of Temperaments : 4D Visualization for non equal tempered pieces with André Calvet.
402019ModelWorking Embedded Cube Dance in 4D with M.Andreatta
412019ShowMovie Premiere "From Circles to Hyperspheres" Part IV,Royal Conservatory of Music, Madrid
422020ModelEntangled Hyperspheres with Gérando
432020ModelShadowTonnetz: keeps traces of musical parcour.
442022ShowMatheMusical Virtual Museum : Interactive Models in Virtual Reality
452022ModelMMVM : Newton Circle, Tonnetz, Cube Dance, Moebius Strip, Torus, Planet 4D Family, Cube Harmonic
462022ModelTorii of Phases
472023ModelPlanet Voices : Voice Leading in VR
482023ShowPi World in VR : tribute to John Sims
492023ModelCohn’s Space : Interactive Chord Space Extended Cube Dance
502023ModelTipi : Extending Newton’s Circle with E.Amiot

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