All Models based on the Hypersphere, at this time,…

Four Dimensional Models on Hypersphere

Planet 4D -2002

Graph Product C3 X C4 /
12 Quaternions

Musical Objects1

Hypersphere of Chords -2006

12 Notes + 24 Triads
Tonal Music2

Hypersphere of AnySet -2011

Any agreate of Notes
Atonal Music3

Hypersphere of Spectra -2012

Music as Combination of Frequencies
Spectral Analysis4

Generalized Hypersphere -2013

AEnables Other Tonnetze (T1,… Tn
Tonal Music5

Anti / Dual Hypersphere -2014

Reversed Model for Experiments
Experimental Tonal 6

Hypersphere ChickenWire -2015

Embedding any Musical Planar Graph in 4D
Tonal Music7

Tempered Hypersphere -2018

Possibily to show non equal Temperaments
Other Temperements8

Entangled Hyperspheres -2020

Combining two Spheres for 24 Tones music

Hyperspheres of Phases -2022

Using Fourier Phases Model

Please refer to my Papers Section for scientific description,

  1. Planet 4D Original Model feature the most Symmetrical Positionning for 12 Notes or Musical Objects ↩︎
  2. On the Hypersphere of Chords, we display all minor ans major Triads ↩︎
  3. Unlike the Torus, the Spherical Barycenter methods enables reresenting any Set of Notes ↩︎
  4. Matching the audible Spectrum to 12 Octaves, we can now vizualise it in 4D (w S.De Gerando) ↩︎
  5. Possibilitiy to match Music pieces using other Tonnetze than T3T4 (w L.Bigo) ↩︎
  6. Using new Symmetries to transform existing chords sequences (w.E.Amiot) ↩︎
  7. Emmbeding other Graphs in 4D : Cohn Regions, Douthett CubeDance ↩︎
  8. Deforming the Hypersphere according to the musical Temperament (w.A.Calvet) ↩︎
  9. Using 2 Entangled Hyperspheres to represent Chords in 24 Tones Music (w.S.DeGerando) ↩︎
  10. 4D Musical Space based on Fourier decomposition (w.E.Amiot , J.Yust) ↩︎

Planet 4D Universe

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