Mmvm 360 The Cube Dance

VR360 The Cube Dance

Created by Jack Douthett and Peter Steinbach, the Cube Dance features our usual 24 major and minor triads as well as four new chords: the augmented triads, noted ‘+’.

Created by Jack Douthett and Peter Steinbach, the Cube Dance features our usual 24 major and minor triads as well as four new chords: the augmented triads, noted ‘+’. An augmented triad is made of two major 3rd, i.e., C+ [0,4,8] = [do,mi,sol#]. Since it is symmetrical (C+ [0,4,8] ≡ E+[4,8,0] ≡ Ab+[8,0,4]), there are only 4 different augmented triads that are each connected to 3 major and 3 minor triads. In order to respect the graph topology, and experience a feasible trek, some user movements must be limited, this is achieved by placing invisible walls in VR.
Jack : we miss you, forever in our hearts

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