VR360 The Cube Dance
Created by Jack Douthett and Peter Steinbach, the Cube Dance features our usual 24 major and minor triads as well as four new chords: the augmented triads, noted ‘+’.
Created by Jack Douthett and Peter Steinbach, the Cube Dance features our usual 24 major and minor triads as well as four new chords: the augmented triads, noted ‘+’. An augmented triad is made of two major 3rd, i.e., C+ [0,4,8] = [do,mi,sol#]. Since it is symmetrical (C+ [0,4,8] ≡ E+[4,8,0] ≡ Ab+[8,0,4]), there are only 4 different augmented triads that are each connected to 3 major and 3 minor triads. In order to respect the graph topology, and experience a feasible trek, some user movements must be limited, this is achieved by placing invisible walls in VR. Jack : we miss you, forever in our hearts