From Circle to Hyperspheres

Episode II :
Odd Isometries,
Generalized Tonnetze, Spectral Applications.


->Some isometries in the Tonnetz discovered by G. Mazzola and formalized in the 4D space by Emmanuel.Amiot and Guillaume Baxias.
->Hypersphere of Tonnetze, is a graphical illustration of the work initiated by Louis Bigo to project and represent the generalized Tonnetze T1 to T6 on the surface of the 4D Hypersphere.
->The Hypersphere of Spectra (developed w. Stéphane de Gérando), is an original way to display any sound according to its spectra, within a 4D environment.

Premiered at Mc Gill University Montréal, 2013

Embeded Youtube Playlist :

From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 10 Odd Isometries

The Planet Model features 48 isometries,
The 4th dimension enables to represent visually the unusal ones.
Work together with Emmanuel Amiot

The chords feature the same form on the Hypersphere but their ...
function is different:[+] Show More

Please refer to my Papers Section for scientific description,

Planet 4D Universe

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