From Circle to Hyperspheres

Episode IV:
Visualizing Temperaments


-> Why and what is a Temperament ?
-> Because classical circular visualization of frequency fails to provide temperaments feelings, we will use complex numbers and deform the circle.
We can now compare temperaments shapes visually, and perceive the “dissonances” in the animations.
-> We propose a 3D model for visualizing tempered chords sequence.
-> The simple Planet4D model which was designed for equal temperament will be deformed by altering each Quaternion’s magnitude, to emphasis the audition feelings in historical tempered musical pieces.

Premiered at Technical University / Royal Conservatory of Madrid, 2017

Embeded Youtube Playlist :

Visualizing Temperaments 1: The Pythagorean Example

Chap 24 The Pythagorean Example
The well known Pythagorean tuning system, adding fifth until being back on the 1st Note

Please refer to my Papers Section for scientific description,

Planet 4D Universe

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